ABOUT USEvaluation of methane inhibitors
- Before using mitigation strategies, it is necessary to have enteric methane emissions measured accurately to determine emissions
- Different techniques have been developed to quantify methane emissions. Methane emissions can be measured with in vitro batch culture, continuous live culture and in vivo.
In vitro batch culture
Live continuous culture
In vivo
Monitoring methanogenic gene regulation using Real Time PCR
- A quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), also called?real-time polymerase chain reaction, is a laboratory technique of molecular biology based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which is used to amplify and simultaneously quantify a targeted DNA molecule.

Monitoring microbial diversity by pyrosequencing
- Pyrosequencing is used to quantify the different proportion of bacteria, fungi, protozoa residing in the rumen. It is used for comparative analysis between before treatment and after treatment using plant compounds.
Marbling in M. longissimus
- Currently. one of interests of the beef industry is finding methods to improve not only marbling score but also fine marbling in M. longissimus.
Environmental footprint assessment of livestock
Livestock production was identified as one of the most significant contributors to the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and the depletion of natural resources.
Carbon and nitrogen footprint assessments
- Developing specific country emission factors using the 2019 refined IPCC 2006 guideline
- The CF defined as the total GHG occurred during the production of meat and milk, expressed in CO2 equivalent.
- The NF is defined as the amount of N released to the environment along the entire chain of milk and meat production
Volumetric water footprint accounting
- Evaluation of the water use by unit of livestock production.
- Developing reduction strategies towards low water requirement and pollution livestock products.